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We led Niedax Group and its subsidiaries to a significant increase in website traffic, SEO vitals, and social media growth through a brand relaunch.
Our experts accompany you with a full-service approach to all your digital challenges. Whether it's an online portal or website relaunch, an intranet for your employees or suitable marketing measures. With us, you get everything from a single source.
We implemented a mobile intranet for our client BioNtech to improve internal communication and support the company's enormous growth. The goal was to establish the digital tool as a central communication and knowledge hub and to connect employees holistically.
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Leguano, a leading shoe supplier, faced technical issues when support for their old Magento online-shop system ended. Therefore, we relaunched their website with Shopware 6 within 2 weeks and provided provided end-to-end support including consulting, conception, development, content maintenance, and digital marketing. The result: leguano's website sales accelerated by 36%
Together with scientists and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, we have digitized the analogue career choice passport in a native app.
We proudly announce that has partnered with Stage Entertainment, one of the world's leading companies bringing stories like Hamilton and Alladin to life.
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Stage Entertainment's goal is to respond faster to its customers and generate more leads. As a full-service digital agency, we provide Stage Entertainment with digital consulting and operational support for projects and day-to-day operations.
As a company, we have great tasks ahead of us in many areas. Together with , we develop sustainable strategies and translate them into functioning new processes. Communication and consulting with the colleagues is fun and always takes place at eye level. Dr. Arnold Rajathurai Head of Corporate Communications, Bayer
Because our all-round successful cooperation is characterised in particular by the spirit that is so important for coeo: dynamic and flexible, always striving for high quality and efficiency. This enabled us to position ourselves strongly in international competition in a very short time. We look forward to a long-term cooperation with further exciting challenges! Sebastian Ludwig Managing Director, Coeo
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We have been working with for several years and have successfully implemented various measures and projects. We have become well attuned to each other, so that together we continuously optimize our digital channels. Thus, we can excellently address and inform our customers worldwide with our modern internet presence. Katrin Köster Head of Company Communication, BPW
We now have an employee platform that is intuitive to use and runs stably. Thanks to the new Digital Workplace, our employees can now network with each other even more effectively and we as a company are well positioned for the digital transformation. Oliver Schaal Head of Communication and Public Relations, Rheinische Post Mediengruppe
We experience as an important partner for the strategic and technical planning and implementation of our intranet. The cooperation is always constructive and based on partnership. Kristina Streuff Head of Corporate Communications, Orthomol
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As a company, we have major tasks ahead of us in many areas. Together with , we develop sustainable strategies and implement them in functioning new processes. Tim Tüßelmann Digital Marketing, Creditreform
The store is easy to use, looks very chic and has also extremely simplified the work of our colleagues. The cooperation with went smoothly and we got exactly the result we wanted. Frank Wintergerst Head of E-Commerce, WOFI LEUCHTEN
Thanks to , our intranet now meets the demands of a modern, intuitive and versatile intranet. We found the right partner in and were perfectly steered through this large project. The intranet has become a place for exchange and a sense of unity. For the corporate culture, a great success. Johanna Steinke Head of Communication and Marketing, BIM Berliner Immobilienmanagement
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The team at quickly understood what requirements needed to be met and together we created a helpful internal communication tool for our employees that supports us in our work every day and of which we are very proud. Collaboration and knowledge sharing in our company have improved significantly since the introduction of the new intranet - not least thanks to the intensive change communication. Ann-Kathrin Krämer Head of Corporate Marketing, Art-Invest
A high quality of consulting for the new and further development of our website as well as great suggestions for new ways in inbound marketing with tools that help increase our efficiency and effectiveness - we are very satisfied and see ourselves well positioned for the future. Dietmar Bernstein Senior Marketing Manager, Unger
We are completely thrilled with both the cooperation and the result! The team from was in permanent exchange with us and was thus able to react immediately to needs, wishes and challenges. The result: real added value. Many thanks for the patience during the development and the creative as well as professional advice during the implementation of our new modern brand appearance. We look forward to further joint projects! Fabian Welke Marketing Manager, Leguano
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Our cooperation was characterised by the joint development of ideas and topics. Thanks to , we benefit from consulting and implementation in various areas, from CMS to web design to marketing automation. Hans-Ingo Biehl CEO, Verband Deutsches Reisemanagement
To replace the existing intranet with a new, modern and above all up-to-date solution. For this, identified our needs, specified them and presented possible solution providers based on our requirements. Competent, cooperative, transparent and not to forget - very friendly. During the cooperation, it proved to be particularly valuable that is very broadly positioned due to its experience from many successful customer projects. Thanks to the cooperation with , we were finally able to select the right solution for us and gain clarity about how to proceed with the project. Jörg Bartke Enterprise Architect, DuMont Mediengruppe
Within 3 months we created a new intranet in the standard of SharePoint Online - with the exception of two specifically developed web parts. I am very excited about everything that is possible in the standard and what new possibilities the intranet offers with the embedding in the Microsoft 365 world! On this first stage of the exciting learning journey, we were able to implement many things ourselves - in doing so, stood by us with open questions in the realisation and supported us in particular with the web parts menu and sales figures developed by them. Melanie Giebel Collaboration Manager, Gerolsteiner Brunnen
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We have a partnership-based, transparent and well-structured cooperation with , in which both sides contribute their expertise, experience and ideas. Franziska Bittel Project Manager Marketing, Friedwald
Together we are continuously improving our digital presence and our digital processes. When working with , we particularly appreciate the strong expertise and the open communication at eye level. We are looking forward to our further, future projects! Carsten Huber Head of Marketing, Simonswerk
As a full-service agency, we are responsible for evaluating the results of the strategy and optimizing it to enable accelerated growth of your business.
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